Composer Christofer Elgh’s specially written chamber opera
Alice in Wonderland the teaparty had its premiere on September 18th 2021 in the Tabergsgruvan (Taberg mine) in Jönköping. The chamber opera is a part of the all-art work SUBTERRANEA III.
Scenkonst Jönköping, the artist collective Subterranea, international artist Sebastian Weissenbacher, the composer Christofer Elgh and Jönköping’s free professional opera group Minopera working together with local actors and youth theatre group Teaterstickorna. Together they presented a cross-art work in an unusual underground enviornment, the mine.

For the third year this cross-artistic project with a regional, national and this year international interest is spreading cultural expressions for the public to be touched by art and nature in harmony. This is done through first performance of Christofer Elgs opera Alice in Wonderland – the teaparty, newly created art, magical lighting design and video art. This creates harmony with the mine’s different environments and taking into account its fragility and uniqueness in nature.
Annika Liljenroth directs and the five soloists are Julia Ojansivu (Alice), Ebba Sandwall (Little Alice), Ann Roach (Hasselmus), Ove Gotting (The Easter Bunny) and Wolfgang Veith (The Mad Hatter).
In total, there was six performances in Tabergsgruvan during one weekend 18-19 September 2021.